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  • 31st Annual Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference (2022)

31st Annual Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference (2022)

  • 21 Jan 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Online


Sponsors and Host Organizations

Conference Program

Organizations wishing to participate as conference sponsors should contact Karen Miller. Click here to pay/donate.

Student Poster Session

Please join us for the Student Poster Presentations prior to the start of the Technical Sessions at 12:00 PM

Draft Agenda

12:00 PM - Virtual Student Poster Session - Please join us for the Student Poster Presentations prior to the start of the Technical Session

1:00 PM - Welcoming Remarks - Mike Martin, President, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU); Greg Tolley, Executive Director, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Water School; Randy Smith, President, AWRA Florida

1:15 PM - Water Quality Trading - Moderator: Kellie Clark, SWFWRC Co-host, AWRA FloridaMark Thomasson, PE, Executive Vice President, National Stormwater Trust; David Kramer, PE, ERP Bureau Chief, Southwest Florida Water Management District; Benjamin Melnick, FDEP Director, Division of Water Resource Management

2:15 PM - Revising the Definition of "Waters of the U.S." - Moderator: Karen Miller, SWFWRC Co-host, FSAWWA Region V

Federal WOTUS Update - Shane Farolino, Attorney, Roetzel & Andress

Impact on Florida Waterways and Florida's Biological Assessment - Carl Spirio, PE, Integrated Water Resources Manager-FL, GHD; Dean Goodin, Maritime & Coastal Senior Project Manager, GHD

Impact on Florida's Agriculture - Mitch Hutchcraft, Vice President of Real Estate, King Ranch, Inc.

3:30 PM - Planning for a Resilient Region - Moderator: Kellie Clark, SWFWRC Co-host, AWRA Florida

Preparing for Climate Change, Locally & Beyond - Dr. Michael Savarese, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Water School

Lessons Learned from the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact  - Dr. Jennifer Jurado, Chief Resiliency Officer & Director, Broward County

4:30 PM - Closing Remarks - Dr. Don Duke, FGCU

Continuing Education Hours (CEHs)

Three (3) CEHs will be provided to attendees.

GoToMeeting (webinar link and call-in details will be provided via email from GoToWebinar within a few days of registration)

Conference Coordinators

Don Duke and Karen Miller

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