The 34th Annual Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference will be held on January 24, 2025 from 8:00 - 5:00 pm at the Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) Cohen Center Ballroom.
If you are a student working in the environmental field, please consider presenting your research in a research poster: submit an abstract as detailed in the attached documents, before the deadline, December 16, 2024. If you work with or mentor students, please inform them of this opportunity.
Student Research Posters
Call for Abstracts
If you conduct research in an area of water resources, consider presenting it on a poster and sharing it with us!
Open to all Florida students and all students conducting water resources research in Florida, in any topic pertaining to the field of water resources, broadly defined.
Abstract Deadline: DECEMBER 16, 2024
Submit by email:
For questions or any further details please contact Don Duke, Professor of Environmental Studies at Florida Gulf Coast University, at or 239-590-7542. Click here for Abstract Submittal Template.
Title of Research Poster:
Submitted for: 34th Annual Southwest Florida Water Resources Conference Student Research Poster Competition
Student author(s):
Faculty mentor(s):
Department and University or School:
Graduate / Undergraduate / Secondary:
Corresponding author email contact:
Abstract: Write an abstract of your work in 350 words or less. Include research objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions. The abstract along with all header information above must fit onto one page with this font size and these margins. No diagrams or tables please. Consider the scoring template at the time you write your abstract, and consider it even more closely as you prepare your Poster, in order to have a clear idea of the kind of poster and presentation that will do well in the competition.
Posters are evaluated with a score of 1 to 10 for each of the following four criteria:
1. Research objectives, findings, and conclusions. Objective(s) are important to water resources field, well framed, well designed; findings and conclusions are supported by data presented
2. Research methods and techniques. Uses appropriate methods; techniques are innovative or novel; and statistics are well used where applicable
3. Organization, design, and presentation of the poster. Organization is clear and effective; graphics are clear, readable, and capture important interpretation of results; language is professional, technically accurate, readable
4. Response to questions. Student answers questions well, understands the research, understands pre-existing work relevant to the research, understands implications and limitations of findings
Scoring scale guide is:
10 = superior 8 = very good 6 = effective 4 = less effective 2 = needs improvement